Mercykiller Ring

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The Mercykillers werea powerful faction based in the planar city of Sigil. This ring is one of many given out to Mercykiller assassins and bounty hunters when they were sent to punish those who have broken the laws of Sigil. These assassins could roam all over the planes in pursuit of their quarry, even as far as the Prime Material plane.

(In the aftermath of the Faction War most of these rngs are in the possession of members of the Sodkillers. A few are owned by members of the Sons of Mercy, but only very few.     -Loki De Carabas)

The ring grants the wearer a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide and Move Silently skills, aiding him in approaching his target unseen and unheard. It also gives him a +10 competence bonus to Craft(Trapmaking) checks, allowing him to create devious traps with which to capture his quarry.

Type Ring, Magical
Market Value: 6,500 gp's, usually only available to Mercykillers
Craft Level: 5th
Craft Prerequisites:
Creation Cost: 3,250 gp's, 260 XP
Weight :Negligible
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