Home » Mage Stone
Mage Stone

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 2004-11-20 02:00
This small piece of dark red crystal is considerably more insidious than it first appears. Souls are a valuable bargaining chip in the Outer Planes; captured ones are usually carried around in gems suitable to the task. This one holds the soul of a mage; it has been enchanted that any arcane spellcaster, upon breaking the crystal and releasing the soul, can tap into the mage's memory and draw power from it. When used, it invokes the Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer ‘retain’ function. Using this one-shot item is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. |
Type Wonderous Item, Magical |
Market Value: 1,450 gp's |
Craft Level: 7th |
Craft Prerequisites: |
Creation Cost: 725 gp's, 29 XP |
Weight :Negligible |