Chapter 2: Fortitude

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Chapter 2: FortitudeCopyright © 2000 by Bart Van Riet

Dear Esca'ele,

Fortitude, second of sixteen, connecting Arcadia to the Outlands. Although I am still at the beginning of my travels, it proved to be a special visit. The town is built within a perfect oval wall. Near one end of the town lies the Confessional. Here all natives and travelers gather once every few days. If a body wants to, he can confess his crimes or flaws after which the crowd passes judgement. At first I thought that the only confessors were the ones dragged in by the Harmonium, but that was not the case. There were numerous volunteers who could not live on without spilling their guts. Slowly, I began to feel the need to confess my own sins. The dramatic events that happened in Palanthas on Krynn during my visit there still bothered me. [What happened then and there is something between Erg, me and the citizens of Fortitude. Ed.] The only problem I had with the Confessional is that the punishments these law-abiding citizens pass vary each time. Confessing a crime can get you in the dead-book one day, or a verbal reprimand on another. Refusing the punishment gets you in the dead-book immediately.

Some time later I made my decision. I went to confess next time. I came to this decision after spending some time in an inn called "Tears of Tyr". A petitioner of Arcadia called Zielziener sat at my table, as this popular inn was filled to capacity. We started talking and admiring the view we had of the Confessional. Then Zielziener told me that it would do me good to volunteer and confess. When I asked her how she knew that I had something to confess, she answered: "That little black spot pollutes your otherwise perfect gray soul." [Erg starts telling more about what turned out to be an amorous meeting with Zielziener. And thus I have removed it from your gossip eager eyes. Ed.] I confessed and got away easier than I had hoped I would.

The next days, Zielziener and I met at the beautiful parks and walked on the broad boulevards. We marveled at the wondrous goods sold and enjoyed some good wines together. All goodness has its evil counterpart. For us it was our parting. Zielziener had to go back to Arcadia and I had to leave for Excelsior. We met for the last time at the pyramid that holds the gate to Arcadia. Halfway up the Spire-facing staircase, we kissed goodbye. She ascended the last steps and disappeared in the large ever-burning green flame, the actual gate.

Not knowing if I would ever see Zielziener again, I left through the main entrance on the gate site of Fortitude. Without looking back I entered Looptoren and left for Excelsior.

Even if I would not had met Zielziener, I would have found Fortitude a marvelous city. It is well built, with as much houses as there are green spaces. The locals are friendly as long as you respect the Harmonium who walk the streets. Openly opposing the Harmonium, or other locals, is something I must warn you against. I have seen tired travelers ignoring Harmonium members, only to find themselves in the Confessional the next day and being put into the dead-book for disdaining the local law.

Erg Nieuwsgierig


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