Wild Magic Table

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  1. Wall of Force appears in front of caster
  2. Caster smells like a skunk for spell duration
  3. Caster shoots forth eight non-poisonous snakes from fingertips
  4. Caster’s clothes itch (-2 to initiative for 1d10 rounds)
  5. Caster glows as per a Light spell
  6. Spell effect has 60’ radius centered on caster
  7. Next phrase spoken by caster becomes true, lasting 1 minute
  8. Caster’s hair grows 1’ in length
  9. Caster pivots 180°
  10. Caster’s face is blackened by small explosion
  11. Caster develops allergy to his magical items. Character cannot control sneezing until all magical items are removed. Allergy lasts 1d6 minutes
  12. Caster’s head enlarges 1d3 minutes
  13. Caster reduces for 1d3 minutes
  14. Caster feels devoted towards target (i.e. Charm Person) until a remove curse is cast.
  15. Spell cannot be canceled at will by caster
  16. Caster polymorphs randomly
  17. Colorful bubbles come out of the caster’s mouth instead of words. Words are released when bubbles pop. Spells with verbal components cannot be cast for 1 minutes.
  18. Babble affects all within 60’ of caster
  19. Wall of Fire encircles caster
  20. Caster’s feet enlarge, reducing movement to 1/2 normal and penalizing -4 to all initiative rolls for 1d3 minutes
  21. Caster suffers same spell effect as target
  22. Caster levitates 20’ for 1d4 minutes
  23. Cause Fear with 60’ radius centered on caster. All within radius except caster make Will save.
  24. Caster speaks in a squeaky voice for 1d6 days
  25. Caster gains X-ray vision for 1d6 rounds
  26. Caster ages 10 years
  27. Silence, 15’ Radius centered on caster
  28. 10’x10’ pit appears immediately in front of caster, 5’ deep/caster level
  29. Reverse Gravity beneath caster’s feet for 1 round
  30. Colored streamers pour from caster’s fingertips
  31. Spell effect rebounds on caster
  32. Caster becomes invisible
  33. Color Spray from caster’s fingertips
  34. Stream of butterflies pours from caster’s mouth
  35. Caster leaves monster-shaped footprints instead of his own until a Dispel Magic is cast.
  36. 3d10 gems shoot from caster’s fingertips. Each gem is worth 1d6x10gp.
  37. Music fills the air
  38. Create Food and Water
  39. All normal fires within 60’ of caster are extinguished
  40. One magical item within 30’ of caster is permanently drained
  41. One normal item within 30’ of caster becomes permanently magical
  42. All magical weapons within 30’ of caster are increased by +2 for 1 minute
  43. Smoke trickles from the ears of all creatures for 1 minute
  44. Dancing Lights
  45. All creatures within 30’ of caster begin to hiccup. (-1 to initiative when casting, -1 attack rolls)
  46. All normal doors, secret doors, portcullises, etc. (including those locked or barred) within 60’ of caster swing open
  47. Caster and target exchange places
  48. Spell affects random target within 60’
  49. Spells fails but is not expended
  50. Summon Monster IV
  51. Sudden change in weather lasting 1d6 minutes
  52. Deafening bang affects everyone within 60’. All those who can hear must make a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d3 minutes
  53. Caster and target exchange voices until a remove curse is cast
  54. Gate opens to randomly chosen outer plane; 50% chance for outsider to appear
  55. Spell functions but shrieks like a Shrieker fungus
  56. Spell effectiveness decreases 50%
  57. Spell reversed, if possible
  58. Spell takes physical form of free-willed elemental and cannot be controlled by caster. Elemental remains for duration of spell. Touch of elemental causes spell effect. (Attack roll same as caster’s)
  59. All weapons within 60’ of glow for 1d4 rounds
  60. Spell functions, but target gets no save
  61. Spell appears to fail when cast, but occurs 1d4 rounds later
  62. All magical items within 60’ of caster glow for 2d8 days
  63. Caster and target switch personalitites for 2d10 rounds
  64. Slow spell centered on target
  65. Target is hit by Confusion
  66. Lightning Bolt shoots toward target
  67. Target Enlarged
  68. Darkness centered on target
  69. Plant Growth centered on target
  70. 1,000 lbs. of non-living matter within 10’ of target vanishes
  71. Fireball centers on target
  72. Target turns to stone
  73. Spell is cast; material components and spell energy remain
  74. Everyone within 10’ of caster recieves the benefit of a Heal spell
  75. Target becomes dizzy (-4 AC, -4 Attack, cannot caste spells) for 2d4 rounds
  76. Wall of Fire encircles target
  77. Target levitates 20’ for 1d3 minutes
  78. Target suffers blindness
  79. Target is charmed as charm monster
  80. Target loses all spells/day of highest level
  81. Target’s feet enlarge, reducing movement to 1/2 normal and penalizing -4 to all initiative rolls for 1d3 minutes
  82. Rust Monster appears in front of target
  83. Target polymorphs randomly
  84. Target feels devoted to caster (i.e. Charm Person) until a remove curse is cast.
  85. Target changes genders
  86. Small, black raincloud forms over target
  87. Stinking Cloud centers on target
  88. Heavy object appears over target and falls for 2d20 damage
  89. Target begins sneezing
  90. Spell effect has 60’ radius centered on target
  91. Target’s clothes itch (-2 to initiative for 1d10 rounds)
  92. Target’s race randomly changes until canceled by Dispel Magic
  93. Target goes for a Ethereal Jaunt for 2d4 rounds
  94. Target hastened
  95. All cloth on target crumbles to dust
  96. Target sprouts leaves
  97. Target sprouts new useless appendage which remains until Dispel Magic is cast
  98. Target changes color
  99. Spell has minimum duration of 1 minute
  100. Spell effectiveness increases x2
Why: The MotP Wild Surge chart seemed to small and unvaried.

For comments, post to Lews Therin on WotC Planescape message boards.Pro: Much more variation in Wild Surges.Con: A lot of the results are humorous, and a very serious or dark campaign probably shouldn't use this conversion.

By: Russell BrownImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Wild Magic Table

As a lover of the Wild Mage, definitely appreciate this.


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