Way of Harmony

Anonymous's picture
Type: General
Precision and technique combined to turn an opponent's strength against him.Applies: Any Prereqs: Weapon Finesse or Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack +3 Benefits: When striking with the Weapon Finesse feat, or whilst unarmed, the character can opt to use the opponent's strenght modifier to add to damage, rather than their own. The opponent must be actively attacking, so the feat cannot be used against immobilised, surprised or unconscious opponents. Normal: The character's own strength is usually used to determine damage modifiers Special Notes: This feat cannot be used against an opponent employing Weapon Finesse, but it can be used against an unarmed foe. This feat cannot be in conjunction with the sneak attack ability. By: Steve HedgerImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com
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