Warblades of the Lower Planes

These blades are singular weapons forged over the aeons of the Blood War. All, regardless of the intended (original) user, were forged in the Outlands. Thus far, legends reveal the existence of at least 13 Warblades. All of these unique weapons have several common properties: Each blade (unless otherwise noted) functions as a +2 Sword of Sharpness (severing a limb other than the head on a natural 18+). These evil blades are enchanted to reform themselves from any amount of damage, regardless of how it was inflicted. If torn away from their adopted owner, they will slide closer and closer until they are at his feet. Distance is not a factor; but because this is not teleportation, this may take a long time if the distance of separation is very great. The most dangerous ability of these blades is that on a natural 20, they will devour the soul of the creature struck! (Subject to a Fortitude save DC 30.) This instantly and irrevocably kills the target, as the blade is now using that soul to feed on and power its abilities. If the target is very powerful (10+ HD/Levels), the owner of the blade must make a Will save (DC 20)or be forced to attack the nearest living creature for 1d4 rounds as the sword frenzies and tries to feed more. While the blades are not sentient, each has an INT and an Ego. Also, if any of these weapons come within 50' of each other, the owners must make Will save (DC 30)or be forced to attack and destroy the other. This save is made once per round until an owner is slain, the weapons are taken out of range of each other, or are separated by a dimensional barrier (eg. Bag of Holding). There is also one common factor in their appearance: the name of the weapon is engraved on one side of the blade, and the command phrase ("Shroud me with thy light") is engraved on the other. This command will cover the wielder in an aura of the specified color that acts as the Faerie Fire spell, in addition to the listed benefits. By: Devon BarlowImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com |
Degree: Minor Artifact |
Type: Weapons |
Weight: varies |