The Great Hunt

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Just Surviving The Great Hunt Copyright © 1999 by Leonidas

Once every cycle the Powers Artemis of the Greeks and Solonor Thelandira of the Elves sponsor the Great Hunt. It always begins at the highest peak of Mount Archra on Arborea. The priesthood of each of the sponsors spends the full cycle gathering an assortment of fierce creatures. Common examples are manticores and gorgons.

The brave hunters of the planes come to the festival of the hunt to stalk these monsters. There is a day of fasting and purification for all involved. At the conclusion of the opening ceremonies each hunter is teleported to a spot on the plane where one of the subjects has just been set loose. The target creature must be hunted down and captured unharmed without using magic to snare it. Native skill is the only option.

Once the creature has been securely bound with the Binding Lash that the priests provide both hunter and prey are teleported back to Mount Archra. Each successful hunter is awarded a golden arrow they may use to call upon the favor of each of the sponsoring powers. This is followed by two weeks of festivities, with many contests of strength, speed and especially archery.

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