Sorceror: Bonus Learned Spells

Anonymous's picture

Normally a sorcerer cannot research additional spells beyond the learned spells table for their level, period. This rule allows the sorcerer to research additional spells above and beyond the sorcerers learned spells table in the Players Handbook. Why: Everyone knows that the 3rd edition has wrought changes in the classes. The addition of the sorcerer class has altered the role of arcane spellcasters forever. The biggest complaint I hear is that the sorcerer does not have enough spells to be truly versatile.

After reviewing all aspects of the sorcerer class, I too came to this conclusion. After all, magic for a sorcerer is supposed to be a natural gift, they acheive mastery over spells without having the need for a spellbook. This sets them apart from learned Wizards who are mainly jealous of the ease with which sorcerers come by their craft. This rule is a reflection of the ease by which they can master new spells when exposed to them, yet maintains balance with the other classes by not allowing too much of a change. You are the judge...Pro: Sorcerers can research additional spells above and beyond the limits of the learned spells table based upon their intelligence modifier.

Example: Marvin is a 5th level sorcerer who has all the spells allowed for his level learned. He comes across a spell the party needs to overcome an obstacle/puzzle. He cannot learn the spell until he rises in level under the normal rules. Under my rule Marvin may research the spell to be added to his known spells list separately, based upon his intelligence modifier. Marvin has a 16 intelligence and is entitled to research upto 3 additional spells per spell level on his own without having to rise in level.Con: Research is expensive! Though the power courses through the veins of the sorcerer abundantly, learning to channel the power properly for each spell takes time and practice, as well as a little trial and error. The net effect is that research for additional sorcerer spells costs 3 times what would be normal and takes 3 times the time it would normally have taken.

By: Geoff WobbemaImported from a previous version of

Gaidheal's picture
Joined: 2005-04-16
Excellent rule addition

This is a good example of a rule that alters a class without unbalancing the game in that class' favour. I have considered using a similar rule myself but not fleshed out the details, since it seemed rather unfair to me that Sorcerers don't benefit from bonus spells under the standard rules.

I shall probably add this feature to my own campaigns.

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