Sorceror: Altered Spell List

Anonymous's picture

When creating a Sorcerer character, talk with the DM about altering the spell list, depending on how your Sorcerer gains his spells. For example, a sorcerer who gained her powers through study of the martial arts, and philosophy could learn to channel chi/ki/qi into magical effects. This character would likely have access to healing abilities through their magic, thus adding the Cure - series of Divine spells to the spell list is not unreasonable. another possibility would be the elven sorcerer who has a connection for nature, such a character would be likely to have the ability to cast nature related spells, thus borrowing from the druid list.Why: In several campaigns I have either run, or participated in this has been an excellent modification.Pro: Helps to shore up the Sorcerer class, which has a weakness in its limited spell library, by giving it access to spells wizards do not learn.Con: None yet noted. Although potentially a sorcerer like this could replace a cleric, but there would be no real benefit to playing a sorcerer with all cleric spells, and none of the hp, or attack rolls.By: Joshua WilliamsImported from a previous version of

Gaidheal's picture
Joined: 2005-04-16
Unbalancing, just like Hit Die modification

This is another modification which is unbalancing, or more accurately, could be without very careful consideration of which spells can taken.

In general, specifically Divine spells should remain accessible only to Divine spellcasters. It is one of the 'perks' they receive, as countered by the fact they have no access to many powerful Arcane spells (unless they also become an Arcane spellcaster, of course).

Chi/Ki/Qi (same idea, different real life culture and language) are, in reality, nothing more than proper breathing, timing, muscle toning and so on and such should really only be available to the classes that already have access (which model the same sorts of training and ethos but in a fantasy setting). If a Sorcerer wants access to it, they should consider multiclassing, though with the Monk limitations, for example, this is complicated by the fact that they will not be able to return to the Monk class once they level in another class.

The reason that Sorcerers have a limited spell library is precisely because they would be over-powered were it not limited in this way. Making alterations to the spell list would not in itself automatically unbalance the class, removing this restriction in some way most certainly does.

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