Sorceror: Altered Hit Dice

Anonymous's picture

Sorcerers roll d6 for hp, instead of the normal d4.Sorcerers roll d6 for hp, instead of the normal d4, as their powers are not (usually) gained through years of scholarly study.Why: Helps make the sorcerer class a little bit stronger.Pro: More hp per level, thus making them competition for a wizard.Con: None noted.By: Joshua WilliamsImported from a previous version of

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Not as balanced as it might seem

I agree. I feel in 3.5, they helped balance the sorcerer and wizard. Not alot more is needed...especially with the wizards getting a near infinite spell known (from scrolls and the like) and sorcerers getting all those keen draconic feats Laughing out loud

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Not as balanced as it might seem

the D6 undoes what 3.5 corrected I mean with that the sorcerer can throw spells and put up a fight to remember it's to powerful that way especaily w/a couple of those more powerful feats

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Not as balanced as it might seem

Ah, yes. The age-old 'sorcerer versus wizard' balance debate.

At low levels, the sorcerer's improved spells per day makes it more powerful than the wizard. At high levels, the wizard's improved versatility due to a widened spellbook make it probably more powerful. In core, at least, things likely balance out.

But consider the following:
- Each new splat that includes spells makes the wizard slightly more attractive than the sorcerer - because the wizard can put the new spells into a spellbook, and the sorcerer cannot.
- Each new splat that provides caster PrCs makes the wizard slightly more attractive than the sorcerer - the wizard generally becomes able to enter caster PrCs one level earlier, due to the sorcerer's lag in gaining new spell levels.
- Each new splat that allows a new, different, and stackable way to increase casting stats decreases the sorcerer's relative advantage over the wizard by some small margin. Six 9th level spell slots versus four means more than ten 9th level slots versus eight.
- Each new splat that provides magical items or abilities that improve caster spontaneity (metamagic rods, spellpool, et cetera) allows the wizard to muscle in a bit more on the sorcerer's sctick. There's precious little splat offering out there that allows a sorcerer to gain improved versatility at the cost of preplanning.

In 3.5 core, the sorcerer and wizard may be balanced. (Tho even this is still a matter of "sorcerer is probably better at levels 1-6, wizard is certainly better at levels 13-20." Numbers off the top of my head, BTW - ten-page rantwars about the exact ranges not desired.) Start adding in optional material, and things almost certainly tilt towards the wizard.

Do I want the base sorcerer class strengthened? Helps the symptom, but doesn't really address the underlying issue. Better is to find a way to make sorcerers compete as optional material is added into the game.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Not as balanced as it might seem

I feel that the great array of sorcerer feats that are coming out in all these dragon books helps alot Laughing out loud Sorcerers getting breath weapons and all that Smiling

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Not as balanced as it might seem

yeah the new feats are crazy just by the sheer amount I mean the dracnonmicon(?)has at least ten that give the sorcerer more power than any normal wizard

Eyeohn's picture
Joined: 2005-01-13
Not as balanced as it might seem

Sorcerer with mage of the arcane order Prestige class helps make up for its lack of versatility.

Gaidheal's picture
Joined: 2005-04-16
Not as balanced as it might seem

The problem with this is that there suddenly becomes a great deal of pressure to play a Sorcerer rather than a Wizard. Already the Sorcerer has an edge by virtue of not having to prepare spells (countered by his limited number of spells known and fewer slots than any decent mage). If you alter the class by making it better able to stand the rigours of combat, without penalizing some other aspect then they become ascendant over mages in an unbalancing way.

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