Ricochet Shot

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Type: General
Ricochet Shot allows a character to ricochet missile weapons off hard surfaces to hit targets from unanticipated angles or obscured targets.Applies: All. Prereqs: Weapon Focus, Precise Shot, Dex 13+. Benefits: A character with this feat is able to shoot thrown weapons at a target by bouncing it off hard surfaces like floors and walls, which has the effect of negating any Dexterity based armor class benefits. In order to successfully perform this feat, the attacker must make a Dexterity check with a DC of 20, then a successful attack roll (with the targets newly adjusted AC). If the Dex check or the attack roll fails, the attack is wasted. A character may use this feat as many times as they have attacks in a round. Normal: None. Special Notes: DM's may wish to reduce penalties for a character with this feat if they are trying to use the missile weapon in question to hit an obscured or hard to shoot target, as they can "bounce" the weapon off of angles other characters may not be able to. By: Jesse MohnImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com
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