Home » Love

Given Power:
| ||
1 | Remove Fear | +4 on saves against fear for one subject, +1/four levels. |
2 | Charm Person | Makes one person your friend. |
3 | Suggestion | Compels sumbject to follow stated course of action. |
4 | Charm Monster | Makes monster believe it is your ally. |
5 | Emotion | Arouses strong emotion in subject. |
6 | Dominate Person | Controls humanoid telepathically. |
7 | Mass Suggestion | As suggestion, plus one/level subjects. |
8 | Symbol (Persuasion only) | Triggered rune charms many. |
9 | Sympathy | Object, location, or person attracts creatures. |
Common Dieties: Ehlonna (or other dieties of beauty, love, sex, and fertility) |