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Given Power: You gain the power to perform a "Life Touch" once per day. While touching a dead body, roll 1d6 per level. If the total exceeds the maximum HP for the creature in life, it is restored to life (but only with 1 HP). Undead are damaged by a like amount by this, but when used in this way, this is a touch attack that requires the usual roll to hit (a normal unconcious body can't do a whole lot to avoid being touched).By: Jacob DriscollImported from a previous version of
1Remove Fear+4 on saves against fear for one subject +1/four levels.
2Lesser RestorationDispels magic ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
3Negative Energy ProtectionSubject resists level and ability drains.
4RestorationRestores level and ability score drains.
5Raise DeadRestores life to subject who died up to one day/level ago.
6Animate ObjectsObjects attack your foes.
7ResurrectionFully restore dead subject.
8Mass HealAs Heal, but with several subjects.
9True ResurrectionAs Resurrection, plus remains aren't needed.
Common Dieties: Pelor (and other gods of ressurrection and spirits)
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