Kraal the Incomprehensible

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Out of all the god like entities that dwell in the far realms. Kraal is the best known among those who dwell in the outer realms. The primary reason for this is the fact that Kraal has designs to escape the far realms and make it too the prime material plane. Kraal’s reasons for wishing to come to the prime material planes are, like most things on the far realms, incomprehensible. The trouble began about 50 years ago, when a powerful wizard accidentally botched a astral projection spell and found himself in the far realms, more appropriately, in the direct path of Kraal.

Under normal circumstances, Kraal would have ignored the visitor, like most outer realm creatures that exist on multiple layers simultaneously tend to do, however, the panicked and half crazed wizard began throwing spells at Kraals giant form, drawing the attention of the all powerful entity. After absorbing the wizard (don’t ask) Kraal learned of the prime material plane, and decided to try and contact humans there too do his bidding. It found that it had the best luck at contacting mortals in their dream. Soon, all over various realms, people began going utterly mad in their sleep, waking up gibbering lunatics.

Kraal also discovered, after much trial and error, Kraal could grant spells too these worshipers, which he did, and that is when the cult for Kraal (which is pronounced “Crawl” which is the best enunciation a prime being can make of Kraals name) was born. Ever since that day, the cult of Kraal’s primary goal has been summoning Kraal’s avatar to the prime material plane. Kraal himself is to vast to exist in the prime, if he did appear here, he would collapse in on himself and become a black hole. Thus far, they have not been successful, but if they ever are, the damage caused by it will surely be irreversible.

By: Crinos GalavarImported from a previous version of

Pantheon: Far Realms
Portfolio: Forbidden knowledge, entropy, madness
Alignment: Unknown
Worshippers: Mad men, far realms creatures, occasionally mind flayers.
Incarnation: Kraal’s avatar looks like a grossly fat cyclopean creature made out a silvery gray transparent gel. Its personality is actually quite playful and childlike, but this makes it no less dangerous.
Titles: The bizarre one, the crazed one.
Rank: Far Realms Power
Priesthood: Kraals priest is composed of humans and demihumans driven mad by Kraals dream influence. They have no standard of dress, but usually carry a severed human eye with them. Kraal worshipers tend to be secretive, as Kraal worship is outlawed in most civilized realms.
Priest Alignment: Any chaotic. (Though very rarely good)
Favorite Weapon: Bladed gauntlets
Holy Item: A severed human eye.
Symbol: A severed human eye.
Domains: Knowledge, chaos, trickery, destruction
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