Gyram: Lord of Song and Mystery

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In mortal life, Gyram was an elven bard, a singer of ballads. He gained immortality at the young age of a hundred and fifty, and was raised to godhood some millenia later by Tylene, a goddess of music, now little worshipped in the Old Lands. (For more information on Gyram, the Old Lands, and Davon, consult The Encyclopedia.)

Gyram is still a singer of songs, and he has added to his portfolio the concern of mysteries, their solving, their creation, and their nature. As such, some facts about him are unknown to any but his proxy, an Ogre called Grobe.

Gyram is well respected within the Davonian Pantheon. His realm, the Singing Maze, lies within the third ring of the Outlands, and is linked to the Elemental Gardens there.

Gyram is open and friendly, playful in general, and loves any and all kinds of puzzles, even though he invariably (or almost invariably) solves them in seconds. He sings constantly, as do almost all his petitioners, both human and songbird forms.

The Davonian pantheon is rather inward focussed, and Gyram is not really an exception - he is far more interested in his areas of concern than in other gods. If pressed, he'd likely get on better with the Greek and Celtic pantheons than any others. Good, Evil, Chaos, and Law mean little to him, but he'll always look more favourably on creatures that sing (sirens, etc.) than on those who don't.

There are many legends of Gyram, all of which, naturally enough, are in the form of ballads or riddles.

By: Drew ShielImported from a previous version of
Pantheon: Davonian
Portfolio: Song, Mystery
Alignment: True Neutral
Worshippers: Singers and Mystery Seekers of all races
Incarnation: Gyram's avatar is usually a human or elven man of medium height, with long fair hair, who carries a small harp. He is usually dressed in white robes, which seem to glow with their own light.
Titles: Songmaster, Seeker-of-Mysteries, Songlord
Rank: Greater Power
Priesthood: Gyram's priesthood are both choral singers and solvers of mysteries, singing even in everyday religious rituals. They are often consulted when a problem can not be solved by any others, and to have a choir of Gyram grace an event is the envy of nobles across the land. They travel often, as their God did when he was mortal, but return to their home towns to sing of their journeys at regular intervals.
Priest Alignment: Any
Favorite Weapon: Quarterstaff
Holy Item: Harp-and-maze symbol
Symbol: Harp, Thrush, Maze
Domains: Knowledge, Travel, Song, Mystery
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