Gui Ren

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The Locals Gui Ren Copyright © 1999 by Leo

The baatezu are a-plotting again. This time it's a huge experiment that is going on. One that is expected bring great rewards. Here's a letter from the gelugon Ghost Dancer to Furcas of the Dark Eight.

"We, baatezu, always used subversion of morals to convert souls. Also, we always used the building of a morality arising from the concepts of Law and Evil similar to our own to make mass conversions. What I plan, however, is to make a standard that will work massively well and can be applied fast to Prime Material worlds, but still bringing in quality souls that would otherwise go the archon or tanar'ri way.

"The melding of philosophy and soul magic is what we call the Gui Ren, the demon people. The process arose from an extremely complex research, but can be used in large scale. It consists mostly of herding lesser planar spirits or elemental ones, infusing them with precepts of evil, further classifying them into eight types. Then they are used to contaminate a community's children using the Astral to enter in their forming (or returning, according different theories among our scholars) Akashic records.

"The subject's character comes to co-hosting the body with what we call the P'o, or a lower animalistic fiendish aspect (described below). The shock of having a Beast personality in the mind at first drove most subjects to madness. So their maturing was slowed to accord with the subject's own. This has interesting personality consequences. The mind absorbs and then suppresses the P'o, amounting for a stronger willpower (min. Wisdom 12). The self-imposed logical and discipline processes makes the subject's easily turn to law, and the cruel torture he suffers makes him an easy target for evil. Thusly, we can count on quality and numerous souls.

"The P'o workings have conditions for the "shadow nature", a state in which the lucidity of the subject is completely taken over by the aspect. This is very dangerous and unpleasant for the afflicted, as the repressed spirit tries to do everything the subject don't want or would not do. The eight different aspects are expected to work for mostly any kind of character, even one of Sigil's self-proclaimed Xaositects.

The P'o Archetypes:

The Rilmani

"This is an elemental free spirit. It does want anything to do with morals or the mandates of Heaven or Hell, so to speak. In it's corruption, the spirit assumes an entropic character, wishing to bring down existence and enlightenment. Shadow Nature is called for when someone tries to impose authority, creation or order to him. "It is well applied in subjects with intense artistic inclinations, having an idealistic point of view or what may be called "innate goodness". Also, disperses indifference.

The Eladrin

"An Outlands or Arborean spirit. It seeks to reject tradition for the sake of undisciplined methods of more decadent societies. The comparison seems alien enough to be incompatible for the subject, yet tempting. Shadow Nature beacons when tradition presents itself as a limitation or source of trouble. Also, when extensive contact with non-orderly societies is made.

"The use of this spirit is suggested for those who believe in mortality's innate good that can be reached by the means of a social contract or those who trust systems mindlessly. The spirit makes them learn to uphold Law and listen not to deviations.

The Yugoloth

"Baator and Gehenna are the derivations of this spirit. Truth is irrelevant to him, thusly he lies as matter of fact, telling what one wants to hear in a minute and risking his sanity with blatant falsity in the next. The attack destroys self-confidence, making the subject dependable of external advice. Shadow Nature is activated when a lie would be more advantageous, but with subtlety.

"Effective against arrogant self-sufficient followers of Chaos or stubborn believers of other unrelated creeds. Manipulation is something developed by a soul that was subject to this spirit.

The Tanar'ri

"A clearly abyssal spirit. The hunger to consume torments him eternally and he respects anything but power. Everything exists for his amusement. Shadow Nature makes itself present in times when ruthless opportunities for personal power regarding lusts or violence arise.

"An option to strengthen and sculpt the more promising souls. The sheer rejection it causes lay the base for future dealings with the tanar'ri.

The Slaad

"Xaos is source for these spirits. They prattle ceaselessly and is unwilling to plan or complicate anything, always demanding explanations for actions and trying to divert the subject's attention. When confusion strikes the subject, Shadow Nature calls, as the Chaosman is always ready to make it all worse.

"Knowledge seekers may be tamed by the use of these. Excellent troops or osyluths may derive from applying them.

The Modron

"A spirit from Acheron, Arcadia or similar. The order of things in existence can have no deviation, such an insult must be punished and set right. Shadow Nature is gives in when one is disrespected by an 'inferior' or is himself disrespectful or crosses his boundaries.

"Its use is best suited to those that have a too intense individuality or disregard for order and repression. Works specially well against nihilists and to tame wilder souls.

The Guardinal

"A whimsical spirit from the Upper Planes. It does not bother with higher reasons, just wanting to live the moment, divert the path for transitory desires. Shadow Nature strikes when a diversion the subject wanted to do, but will not, makes itself present.

"Focus can be achieved by the use of these spirits. Discipline is actually searched for, if it has an external source all the better.

The Archon

"Deriving from Arcadia, Mount Celestia or the Outlands. These spirits do not trust the subject's judgement, wanting make him subject to a higher being. The highest being is never found, even when one submits, restarting the urge for a master. Shadow Nature takes over when failure too strong or a figure with strong presence or reputation is present.

"The spirit is capable of giving birth to ambition and self-reliance. If it not, the slave-spirit ultimately leads to eternal servitude to us baatezu.

"The process, of course, still needs some tuning and, specially, sponsorship. Until now, we have gathered the model system in the city of Dên on Dis, out of the city's limits. We are most honored to invite you officially to test the possibilities involved in this research.

"Below we explain the dharmas, the last touch to the creation of a standard morality adequate for mortals, that is expected to cover the majority of the mortals' spiritual needs that will compensate the P'o and reinforce the need for stability (Law) and cynic realism (Evil). The dharmas are associated with positive and negative energy sources of stimulation and enlightenment.

The Way of South

"To tame the P'o, one rides with it. The subject learns not to reject it, but actually become it. The trick the mind plays is that one must be stronger and superior to the P'o, so to use it and not be used. It encourages action, violence and suffering, much needed ingredients for a society, to conquer the self.

Function - Leaders, creators and warriorsSymbols - Tigers, fire and the color redEnergy - Positive

The Way of North

"To hold on tightly to discipline and order and preserve tradition is the way to seal the strength of the P'o over your soul. Purify the self and compensate for the guilt of the P 'o, embracing the present order.

Function - Rulers, interpreter of laws and preserverSymbols - Cranes, water and the color yellowEnergy - Negative

The Way of West

"Embracing logic, the spiritual, religious world and a fatalistic view they hope to drown the P'o in glacial waters. The seeking for knowledge and the beyond is the lure to pacify the demon inside, emotions are destroyed and joy is surpassed.

Function - The bearer of messages, punishment and scholar.Symbols - Bones, metal and the color blackEnergy - Negative

The Way of East

"Instead of logic, emotion may be the source to burn the P'o away in a pyre of excess and vices. Corruption and the taste for life makes them the ones who lead mortals and show the path for life, as the demon finds it hard to fight the basic impulses. On itself the search to foster and reinforce those emotions, becomes the leak that leads to slavery.

Function - Relations, temptation and subversionSymbols - Dragons, wood and the color greenEnergy - Positive

The Way of Center

"The least traveled, but necessary path of a thousand roads who is deceptively similar to the rilmani principle of moderation. Yet, we pervert the original idea, as the comprehension of all, requires either utter abandon of purpose (something most souls can't bear for long) or the unseen settling of one path. They use discipline to keep attachments away and Evil to break supposed boundaries of morality.

Function - They always make exceptional baatezu, each in his chosen pathSymbols - Centipedes, jade and the color whiteEnergy - Balance

"Thus, this is a brief description of a systematic corruption of values. We await for the opportunity to present its results so far and the plans for development and adaptation to unique conditions and cultures."

- Ghost Dancer, gelugon serving under the Dark Eight research division, On behalf of Vencharos

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