Drunken Punch

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Type: General
You are able to cause extra damage with unarmed stunning attack when you had been drinking.Applies: Monks, primarily. Prereqs: Improved Unarmed Attack, Stunning Touch Ability, Wis 14+. Benefits: When striking with stunning touch when you had ingested at least 1 bottle of alcohol (or equivalent amount) in the last hour, you deal an extra +1d4 damage with that attack. This feat is usable the same number of times per day that you could use stunning touch, plus half your Wis Modifier. Ex. Wis 18 = 2 additional drunken punches per day over the number normally allowed, acrrodingly to your monk level. Normal: None. Special Notes: Even with this feat you still suffers all standard penalties for being drunk. By: Joshua WilliamsImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com
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