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Given Power: Every night, as the character falls asleep, they may concentrate on one action. That night, the character's deity sends them prophetic dreams telling them whether that action will result in a good or bad outcome (or both). Essentially, this power works just like the Augury spell, except that it can see into the future up to one day. By: Ryan BoellImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com
1SleepPut 2d4 HD of creatures into comatose slumber.
2Hypnotic PatternFascinates 2d4+1 HD/level of creatures.
3Clairaudience/ClaivoyanceHear or see at a distance for 1 min./level
4DreamSends message to anyone sleeping.
5NightmareSends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.
6EyebiteCharm, Fear, Sicken, or Sleep one subject. Only the sleep version of this spell may be used as a domain spell.
7InsanitySubject suffers continuous confusion.
8EtherealnessTravel to Ethereal plane with companion.
9Foresight"Sixth Sense" warns of impending danger.
Common Dieties: Vecna and Olidammara (and other deities of subconcious and night)
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