Dracoverr Armour - Daerlenn's Gift

Carnifex's picture
Many decades ago Carnifex Haerven was the High Captain of the elite Dracoverr warriors, a warrior renowned for his noble acts and fearless defence of the nation of Huron. After he saved the life of the Flame Guildsman Daerlenn, a powerful invoker mage, from a marauding band of giants, the grateful Daerlenn crafted this exquisite and heavily enchanted suit of armour for him.

"Daerlenn's Gift" appears as a suit of Dracoverr armour covered in ornate depictions of the epic battles and glorious victories of Carnifex Haerven, with the warrior's slaying of the giant band having the place of honour around the breastplate emblem of the red dragon.

By: Christopher AllenImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com
Type: Heavy
Cost: 47,225 gp's
AC Bonus: 10
Max Dex: -2
Armor Check: -3
Spell Failure: 30%
Speed 30: 20
Speed 20: 15
Weight: 35 lbs
Special: "Daerlenn's Gift" is Dracoverr Armour +3, with armour spikes. In addition, the armour resists the first 5 points of fire damage and the first 5 points of acid damage each round. The armour bestows upon it's wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to charisma and, if the wearer's Wisdom score is at least 16, he may use the armour's ability to cast Haste on the wearer three times per day. As a suit of Dracoverr armour, it also bestows a +2 circumstance bonus to Ride checks.
Craft Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Endure Elements, Haste
Crafter Level: 15
Price Mod:
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