Cunning Linguist

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Type: General
You have a flare for languages, both regional and Racial.Prereqs: Wisdom 13+, The character must have spent ranks on a language that is not amongst his starting languages or bonus languages. (This feat is available to Bards without this pre-requisite) Benefits: The character gains the Rogue's ability to Decipher Script as a Cross-Class skill, with a +2 circumstance bonus to the roll if the script is shared by a language that the character DOES know; and a -2 circumstance penalty if the language is non-standard in written form, such as Orcish. Also, she may make an intelligence check to understand spoken languages she does not know (DC 20 for local languages, 25 for distant languages, and 30 for mystical or planar Tongues) Normal: With the feat, you cannot understand spoken languages you do not know, and only rogues can Decipher them from writing. Special Notes: Rogues with the Cunning Linguist feat receive an extra bonus language instead of Decipher Script. By: Owen O'ConnellImported from a previous version of
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