Critical Damage Rules

Anonymous's picture

The new system I call "Critical Damage" in which the critical multiplier no longer modifies damage the same way. Critical Damage

  • x2 multiplier = +1 hp/lvl damageTarget must make a Reflex Save or suffer -1 to hit/dmg/AC.
  • x3 multiplier = +2 hp/lvl damage.Target must make a Reflex Save or suffer -1 to hit/dmg/AC.
  • x4 multiplier = +2 hp/lvl damage. Target must make a Reflex Save or suffer -2 to hit/dmg/AC.

Now critical damage is a much determined by the *attacker's* skill as by the weapon he uses. Makes sense, no?

Any penalties the target suffers (Hit, Damage, AC) can be recuperated in exactly the same manner as ability damage.

Threat ranges remain the same and you can extend the range without of unbalancing reprocussions.

Optional rule: To tie critical damage even closer to the skill of the attacker you can rule that instead of +X hp damage/level you can use the character's BAB as the basis for extra damage (min. +1).Why: You don't necessary have to have a "badder" rule in order to be *better*.Pro: Greater survivability at lower levels, criticals scale with level.

Looking at the numbers...

Looking at the numbers...
Your typical longsword inflicts 9 hp on average (4.5 x 2) with a critcal in core 3e.With bonuses totalling 5, 10 and 20, the averages are 19 hp, 29 hp and 49 hp.Your typical longsword inflicts 4.5 + 1hp/level (Save or -1 to hit/dmg/AC) with a critical with the new method. With bonuses totalling 5, 10 and 20, the averages are 9.5 + 1hp/level, 14.5 + 1hp/level and 24.5 + 1hp/level.
Your typical heavy pick inflicts 14 hps on average (3.5 x 4) with a critical in core 3e. With bonuses totalling 5, 10 and 20, the averages are 34 hp, 54 hp and 94 hp.Your typical heavy pick inflicts 3.5 + 2hp/level (Save or -2 to hit/dmg/AC) with a critical hit with the new method. With bonuses totalling 5, 10 and 20, the averages are 8.5 + 2hp/level, 13.5 + 2hp/level and 23.5 + 2hp/level.
Your typical greataxe inflicts 19.5 hp on average (6.5 x 3) with a critical in core 3e.With bonuses totalling 5, 10 and 20, the averages are 34.5 hp, 49.5 hp and 79.5 hp.Your typical greataxe inflicts 6.5 + 2hp/level (Save or -2 to hit/dmg/AC) with a critical in the new method. With bonuses totalling 5, 10 and 20, the averages are 11.5 + 2hp/level, 16.5 + 2hp/level and 26.5 + 2hp/level.
Con: Potentially, you might have to keep track of modified Hit/Dmg and AC of the target.

By: Mike JensenImported from a previous version of

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Not a bad rule

I like the idea but remember a crit is just hitting in a better area. skill should be more in being able to get a crit not the dammage of a crit.

Gaidheal's picture
Joined: 2005-04-16
Not a bad rule

I'm not sure that it is totally balanced at this point, but I suspect that is merely a matter of tweaking and is as much campaign dependent as anything, since other rules in play will interact with it in and cause it have more or less effect accordingly. I might use it in my own campaigns.

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