Counterturning for Clerics

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When the party stumbles upon undead, and the opposing controlling cleric is present to help in the battle, turning could work a little differently.

Use the counterspell rules as per the Player's Handbook as appropriate, with the following changes:

The cleric in the group attempts to turn the undead they are facing. He initiates turning, and makes the appropriate rolls and adjustments. The evil cleric, seeing that someone is trying to scare away/destroy his minions, initiates a counter-turn. He makes a turning roll, with the appropriate adjustments. Now, compare the rolls.

If the good cleric's adjusted roll is better than the evil cleric's then he may turn/destroy the undead, provided his adjusted roll was high enough for that particular type of undead. If he wins the roll, but still did not roll high enough to turn the undead, then nothing happens, and he loses that turning attempt for the day.

If the evil cleric's adjusted roll is better than the good cleric's roll, then no undead are turned. The good cleric loses that turning attempt for the day.

If the rolls are equal, then use their Charisma scores to determine the winner. If their Charisma scores are tied, then check to see if the good cleric's roll is high enough to turn the undead. If it is, then roll for normal turning and half the result, showing that the battle of wills was strong, but a few undead were still affected by the attempt.

Counter-turning consumes one of the countering cleric's turn attempts per day.Why: Evil clerics just do not want their undead just running off or being destroyed.Pro: Adds a new depth to undead encounters where the cleric that controls them is present.Con: None at the moment.

By: Joe GiddingsImported from a previous version of

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