Called Shot (2)

Anonymous's picture
  • Step 1- Define the Size Rating of the target area. Use the Size Table on Page 131 of the PHB. For example, a HUGE creature's leg is roughly the size of a LARGE creature, so we say it is a LARGE leg. A HUGE creature's eye, however, is typically TINY. (A MEDIUM Creature's leg would be a SMALL target, his eye would be FINE, and so on.)
  • Step 2- Determine the AC bonus from the target area's size. Size Modifiers to AC are listed on page 119 of the PHB. A HUGE creature's LARGE leg has only a -1 AC penalty for size, as opposed to the whole creature's -2 AC penalty.
  • Step 3- Determine if the target area is armored. If the target area is covered by armor, then it recieves the full Armor Bonus for it's type. If the target area is bare, no such armor bonus is recieved. Dex and Dodge bonuses, and any other bonuses except the armor bonus are still effective. Natural armor is always granted (unless the creature has a "weak spot" such as an eyeball or an unscaled patch on his belly). If Armor is present, but still leaves the area vulnerable, (such as a visor on a helmet which protects the eyes, but not entirely) treat this as cover, the amount of the benefit is determined by the DM.
  • Step 4- Make the attack roll using the new target's AC. Making a called shot is normally a Full-Round Action, but can be performed as part of a Standard attack but incurs an Attack of Opportunity. If the attacker strikes, proceed to Step 5. (Note: If the targeted creature is aware that the opponant is attempting a called shot, they may protect the target area as a move equivalent action. This must be declared on the defender's turn prior to the attack. This act grants targeted area the creature's highest AC, including Dex, Armor and Dodge bonuses.)
  • Step 5- Determine damage.
    • Option 1: (Requires "Individual Wounds and Damage" House Rule found in the House Rules section of this site.) The attacker does EFFECTIVELY double damage to the target area for purposes of determining wounds. This does not decrease the target's HP by twice as much, but makes it much more likely that you will damage and eye, hand, or other targeted area, severely compromising the opponant's ability to fight (see page 67 DMG, and refer to Wounds and Damage rule).
    • Option 2: For those who don't like my other house rule, the called shot wounds the target area instead of dealing standard damage. Use the page 67 DMG to determine the penalties of the wound.
Why: D&D3e needs a called shot rule. There's another (perfectly good) house rule for it on this site, but it isn't specific enough for me. Pro: Allows for dynamic combat situations, some very literary in nature. Also, this and the Wound Penalties rule on this site give you some interesting feats such as Improved Called Shot and Damage Penalty Resistance.Con: Smart players will love this rule, preferring to blind or cripple an opponant in order to make them easier to defeat. Remember, though, enemies can call shots TOO!

If this rule is too complicated, or you just don't like my Wound Penalties rule, use Shawn Muder's Called Shot rule on this site.

By: Owen O'ConnellImported from a previous version of

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
this means players will: 1. alwa ...

this means players will:

1. always munkin their way through everything
2. always be far more cheesy than normal
3. be way too prone to take out eyes

remember dnd system automatically assumes you are trying to hit the best spot availible. one just doesn't hit much hence there is a crit range some weapons have a bigger one than others and soforth. this rule negates the use and need for a crit range. and bogges down combat as anoying players describe how they are going to only hit certain vital areas to try and take down dragons in one hit.

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