Large Outsider (Evil) |
Hit Dice: | 10d8+20 (82 hp) |
Initiative: | +6 (+2 Dex,+4 Improved Initiative) |
Speed: | 45 ft. |
Armor Class: | 24 (+2 Dex, +13 natural, -1 size) |
Base Attack/Grapple: | 0 |
Attack: | 0 |
Full Attack: | Giant claw +20 melee, by weapon +9/+4/-1 melee |
Space/Reach: | 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.(5ft. with human hand) |
Special Attacks: | Devour, breath weapon, spell-like abilities |
Special Qualities: | Damage reduction 10/+1, earth-based attacks resistance 20, yugoloth qualities |
Saves: | Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +12 |
Abilities: | Str 31, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14 |
Skills: | Climb +20, Gather Information +10, Hide +12, Intimidate +12, Jump +20, Knowledge (planes) +13, Knowledge (Blood War) +13, Listen +15, Scry +13, Search +13, Spot +15 |
Feats: | Iron Will, Power Attack, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (giant claw) |
Environment: | Gehenna, Gray Waste or any land and underground |
Organization: | Solitary |
Challenge Rating: | 10 |
Treasure: | Double standard |
Alignment: | Neutral Evil |
Advancement: | 11-15 HD (Large); 16-30 HD (Huge) |
Level Adjustment: | 0 |
Yagnoloths are the nobles of yugoloth society. They are lords of fiefs and all who enter these fiefs are subject to their rule. Despite their power, however, they are considered lesser yugoloths. Yagnoloths are horrible creatures with two unequal arms, one man-sized and the other giant-sized, These creatures are large humanoids with scaly red skin and bulky muscles. Their horrid heads have great wing-like ears. Their facial features - like the personalities of the creatures-are hateful and alien. Yagnoloths communicate using telepathy.
CombatYagnoloths will carry weapons in their human hand and can attack with both a weapon and their giant arm. Typically they carry swords or maces. These weapons may (30%) be enchanted of the common variety (i.e. + 1, + 2, etc.). They will never be of a special nature. Attacks by the human hand do not gain the Strength modifier. Paralysis (Ex): A target hit by a yagnoloth's giant hand attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17) or be paralyzed for 1d12 rounds. Devour (Su): If a yagnoloth maintains physical contact with an unconscious victim for 5 or more rounds he devours 1d10x10% of victims XP, HP's and ability scores. A restoration spell or killing the yagnoloth responsible within 24 hours of the attack restores this loss. Breath weapon (Su): Three times per day a yagnoloth can breath a cloud of acid with a 30 ft. radius that inflicts 6d6 points of damage and stuns for 1d6 rounds unless victim succeeds at Reflex save (DC 17) to halve the damage and duration. Spell-Like Abilities: Three times per day - shocking grasp (1d8+10) Yugoloth Immunities (Ex): Acid, fire, poison, and iron weapons. Spell-Like Abilities: At will - alter self, animate dead, charm person, contagion, minor image, produce flame and teleport without error (optional). Weakness (Ex): Double damage from cold.
Habitat/SocietyYagnoloths are princes of sorts. All yugoloth controlled areas are divided into regions and have a governing yagnoloth making all policies. Although yagnoloths are less powerfull than other yugoloths, their power is enforced by the will of the ultroloths who divided the regions in the first place. Yagnoloths will frequently order the execution of yugoloths in higher positions than themselves. This is one of the ways that these creatures plan on increasing their own already lofty status. Needless to say, all yugoloths-save the ultroloths-despise the yagnoloths and will savagely betray them if this can be done safely. Hated so, yagnoloths cannot gate additional yugoloths into a battle. These creatures pay little attention to the rest of the workings of yugoloth society. They are greedy and gluttonous and abuse their power greatly.
EcologyYagnoloths have little care of mercenary issues. They have little care of any matter pertaining to the Blood War. These creatures merely live by the labors of their fellows. They are consumers in the purest form and produce nothing of value. What inspired the mysterious ultroloths to place these creatures in command of the provinces of the lower planes is a mystery. It they have any qualities of merit, they are well hidden. One can only speculate on the bizarre cross-mutation involved in the creation of the yagnoloths. Perhaps these creatures have giantish blood in them. Or perhaps giants have a bit of yagnolothish blood in them... For more information, see the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (pg. 127).