
Anonymous's picture
Medium Sized Elemental
Hit Dice: 6d8 + 15 (42 hps)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 10 ft. , Swim 100 ft.
Armor Class: 24
Base Attack/Grapple: 0
Attack: 0
Full Attack: Ram +6, Bite +5
Space/Reach: 5 ft. x 5ft. / 5ft.
Special Attacks: Acid Spray, Poison, Spell-like Abilities, Summon Elemental
Special Qualities: Fire Weakness, Air Weakness, Damage Reduction 10/+2, electricity resistance 20, Elemental
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +6
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 12, Chr 15
Skills: Spot +5, Search +5
Feats: Weapon Finesse (Ram Spikes), Improved Critical (Ram Spikes)
Environment: Underwater
Organization: Solitary or Pod (1d6 adults + 1d6 young)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: None
Alignment: True Neutral
Advancement: Large (7-8 hd)
Level Adjustment: 0
"You haven't seen fear berk, until you seen a pod of Tri-forlorn aiming fer your gut at top speed!" - Giseel, Teifling Merchant in Sigil trying to sell a prime wizard a Tri-forlorn egg. The Tri-forlorn is a strange looking elemental who is native to the elemental plane of water where it joins with the negative quasi-elemental plane of salt. They appear as long, double forked, tridents which sweep fast and perfect through the endless depths of their salty ocean home. Each end of the creature is tipped with three boney protrusions which resemble the tines of a wicked fork and the body itself is small in width and long in length. The body is covered with millions of minute green, yellow, and brown scales which provide it with a natural armor bonus and catch the light to provide a rainbow of color as they jet through the water. At each end of the creature are two tentacle-like appendages which end in a sucking mouth which contains thousands of small serrated teeth. These are the mouths of the creature and once they have rammed themselves into their prey they always attack with these mouths in order to drain the blood and liquid from their foe. They usually keep these tentacles wrapped around their main body to reduce water resistance and to protect them against attack by other elemental creatures which live in the same area of the plane as they do. CombatA Tri-forlorn will always enter combat with a powerful ramming attack which they hope will pierce their prey's flesh and lodge themselves in their innards so that their feeding mouths can go to work on other parts of their prey's body. However, some creatures are poweful and must be subdued in other ways before the creature can feed from them.Acid Spray (Ex): The Tri-forlorn's body, when jetting through their watery home, picks up and stores high concentrations of a hazardous salt solution which acts much like an acid (but is actually a base, in technical terms). Once every four rounds a Tri-forlorn can emit a concentrated cloud of this salt at it's prey which must be at least 10 ft. from it. This spray causes 3d6 points of damage to any creature who happens to be unlucky enough to be in the area of effect. Though it only effects one creature underwater for one round, on land it can cause up to three rounds of burning damage (2d6 the second round, 1d6 the third round) before the substance is finally neutralized by the prey's bodily fluids. A successful reflex save (DC 23) reduced this damage by half and cancels any damage that may have been caused in the rounds following the attack.Poison (Ex:) In addition to it's salt acid attack, the Tri-forlorn's small mouths also inflict a small amount of poison damage to living creatures it attacks. This poison requires the effected enemy to roll a fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or suffer 1d4 temporary constitution damage initially and another 1d4 points of secondary constitution damage the next round.Spell-like Abilities (Sp): 1/day Lightning Bolt (which translates into a 20 ft. sphere centered on the creature when underwater), Warp Wood, Water Breathing (On a non-water breathing companion. A Tri-forlorn can be made into a familiar with the Improved Summon Familiar feat detail in Tome and Blood).Habitat/SocietyTri-forlorn travel in small pods which typically have 1dd adults and 1d6 young. The adults capture food and protect the young from predatory animals and other elementals who would do them harm.Many make their homes by chipping away large holes in floating chunks of salt near the border between the elemental plane of water and the negative quasi-elemental plane of salt. These "warrens" can typically house more than 200 Tri-forlorns at a time with each pod having it's own set of tunnels connected to the rest by larger passages.Tri-forlorn have begun to appear more readily in the salty oceans of many of the Prime worlds, although the creatures find such an environment to be stifling and crowded.0EcologyTri-forlorn typically hunt large fish-like creatures called Fintails who live in the same area as the Tri-forlorn. Often Tri-forlorn will move with a school of Fintails in order to have a ready supply of food available, especially during the mating season.Tri-forlorn typically mate once a year, although how they determine when is a dark that has yet to have any light shed on it by travelers to the Plane of Water. A female Tri-forlorn will typically lay 1d4 eggs in the pod's home and guard them jealously until the little fork monsters hatch, at which time she will leave them to find food for herself and them.Image Located at:
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