Storm Elves (Sturmalfar) & Windlings

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Personality: These residents of the Plane of Air are descended from Mystaran shadow elves.Ages past, the shamans and wizards of the Silent Deepness clan attempted to use their magic to bring a limited amount of sunlight into their subterranean homes, in order to grow surface plants in addition to the fungi that they had eaten for so long.Depending on who you listen to, either their magic failed spectacularly, or their god Rafiel rewarded them for their initiative, for their entire community was transported to the Plane of Air.The resulting sphere of Earth was located near the “borders” with Steam, Lightning and Ice, and is thus constantly lashed with storms. But it was also infinitely better farmland than when it was when below the ground. In the intervening centuries, much of the earth pocket, now called “Sturmalfheim” has become overgrown with scrublands and forests born from windblown seeds. The inhabitants have also adapted to life in the open air. This adaptation was no doubt aided by the indirect nature of the Plane of Airs ambient lighting, and that plane’s endless, eternal “day”. Modern day storm elves, while still pale by elfin standards, are much darker than their shadow elf ancestors. They are no longer adversely affected by bright lights, though they are still disconcerted when they travel to planes that are lit by “Suns”. However, they are still culturally very different than most elves. They retain the lawful bent of their forefathers, along with many customs that strike others as cruel. The foremost of these is their practice of leaving “defective” infants to die of exposure (Unbeknownst to them, their Power subtly ensures that those unfortunates are adopted by local goblinoids). And there lies the crux of their most pressing social problem: the Planetouched in their midst. Unlike most Genasi, the “Windlings” (And less common variations, like “Rainlings”, “Icelings” and “Sparks”) don’t show any overt sign of their differences. They are not descended from any elemental beings, but are “touched” in the womb by Planar energies during the fiercest of Sturmalfheim’s storms. When they are discovered, they are cast out, for fear that they will “breed true” and contaminate the community’s purity. The suspicion that there are “cursed ones” in their midst is always on the minds of most storm elf leaders, and as a result, many normal elves have also been exiled after false accusations.Storm Elves tend to be very disciplined and reserved when compared to other elves. Exiled storm elves tend to be either bitter towards their former fellows, or desperate to prove their purity and be allowed to return.By: Michael CrichtonImported from a previous version of
Physical Description: Paler than most elves, but within racial norms.
Relations: While not as xenophobic as their ancestors, storm elves are still leery of strangers. While they no longer bear their ancestors resentful hatred towards other, more fortunate elves, they still treat them as they would any other outsiders (i.e., politely welcoming them and hinting that perhaps they’d like to be on their way).
Alignment: Lawful Good
Lands: The Earth Pocket known as Sturmalfheim. Exiles can be found throughout the Planes.
Religion: Monotheistic. Storm elves recognize that other Powers exist, but they worship Rafiel (LN(G) power of Arcadia/Plane of Radiance) exclusively. Domains associated with Rafiel are Fire(Actually Radiance, but who’s counting?) , Healing, Law and Protection.
Language: Storm Elven is mutually comprehensible with Mystaran Elven, but not with Oerth/Toril Elven.
Names: As for other Elves.
Male Names: As for other Elves.
Female Names: As for other Elves.
Family Names: As for other Elves.
Adventurers: It is usually only exiled storm elves that become adventurers.
Racial Traits:
  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution, -2 Charisma.
  • Medium-size
  • Base speed is 30 feet.
  • Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects, +2 racial saving throw against Enchantment spells and effects.
  • Low-light Vision.
  • Proficient with Spear and Medium/Heavy Crossbow.
  • Weather Sense: Storm Elves have an uncanny ability to predict the weather. On a successful intelligence check, they can know exactly what the natural weather will do for the next 12 hours. This ability cannot predict how that weather might be altered by magic or other unnatural means, however.
  • Automatic Languages: Storm Elven and Common. Storm Elven is mutually comprehensible with Mystaran Elven, but not with Oerth/Toril Elven.
  • Favored Class: Wizard.
Racial traits for Windlings-
  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom.
  • Medium-size
  • Base speed is 30 feet.
  • +2 racial saving throw against sleep and Enchantment spells and effects.
  • Low-light Vision.
  • Proficient with Spear or Medium/Heavy Crossbow.
  • Element Breathing: This unusual ability allows the Windling the breath ANY reasonably pure “Elemental” material for a number of hours equal to his or her Constitution. This ability does not confer any other protection. A Windling trapped on the Plane of Fire will soon burn to death, but he won’t asphyxiate. This ability can be used on any plane where an appropriate material exists. Oh, and it doesn’t protect against strangulation either.
  • Wind Hand: The Windling may use the Spell “Mage Hand” up to 3 times per day. This requires at least 1000 cubic feet of open air to work.
  • Automatic Languages: Storm Elven and Common. Storm Elven is mutually comprehensible with Mystaran Elven, but not with Oerth/Toril Elven.
  • Favored Class: Elementalist.
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