Rogue Slaad

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Personality: It happens for a thousand reasons, and for no reason. It is an event so bizzare, so abnormal, so... chaotic, that even the residents of Limbo take notice- A Slaad goes Rogue. The dark of this is not well understood. It appears to happen when a remnant of the poor sod infected with a Slaad egg survives, giving the newborn Frog a tiny bit of order, a strange ability to understand the need for some sense of Order by so many other beings. In most cases, this personality bit is lost as years in the realm of Xaos takes its toll, but in a rare few, the urge to become something 'more' takes over. These rare few, always taking the form of a Green Slaad (their intelligence and magical ability make them more receptive to Order, it seems), take to Planeswalking, the better to see how the rest of the Great Wheel lives, and to find a place within it. Though their powers have been limited in some ways, they retain the ability to polymorph, although they can take only the form of the being they were spawned from. This means that any intelligent, humanoid being could be a Rogue Slaad, a situation which draws attention to the Rogue with a peery eye. A rogue Slaad is a being with no place in the scheme of things, a searcher who must find or create a niche for themselves...Rogue Slaad have very odd personailities. First of all, they have the random aspects of chaos, meaning they may do anything at any time. Second, they have bits of their host's personality inside them. This gives them habits that may appear strange for a Slaad, though normal for it's hosts' race. Finally, the largest influence on the Rogue Slaad's personality is free will. Unlike 'normal' Slaad, the Rogue is free to be whatever they wish, not simply an expression of total randomness. A Rogue Slaad may follow Law or Chaos, Good or Evil or in-between, as they see fit. By: Herb McGihonImported from a previous version of
Physical Description: In Slaad form, the Rogue looks like a Green Slaad: A seven foot tall, humanoid green frog with razor-sharp claws and teeth. In humanoid form, the Rogue resembles it's host in all respects, down to scars and even tattoos. In either form, any Chaos mutation is evident. (see below)
Relations: The Rogue Slaad have no particular alliance or enmity with any race. Even 'normal' Slaadi react to them as they would to any other. People react to their polymorphed form as they would to a member of that race.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Lands: None. The Rogue Slaad are too rare and spend too much time wandering to make any land their own.
Religion: None, though a Rogue Slaad can become a cleric, if so inclined.
Language: None.
Names: Rogue Slaad give themselves names that please them, somtimes using a name that befits their host's race, sometimes not.Remember that they might have ANY name, no matter how strange or even silly.
Male Names: None.
Female Names: None.
Family Names: None.
Adventurers: None.
Racial Traits: +2 INT, +2 CON, -2 WIS, -2 CHA Natural attacks: 2 claws(1d41d4), 1 bite(1d6) These are reduced from a normal Slaad, due to seperation from Limbo. They are only usuable when in Slaad form. Polymorph: At will, a Rogue Slaad can polymorph into the exact form of their host body. They do not heal from this. For dispel magic purposes, treat as a spell cast by a magic-user of the Rogue's Level +2. True sight also reveals the Rogue Slaad. The Rogue gains none of the special abilites of the host, though they retain all outward appearances. Spell-like abilites: At first level, and again at 6th and 12th levels, the Rogue Slaad may pick 1 of the followng spells: Detect Thoughs, Cause Fear, Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Locate Object, Burining Hands, Pyrotechnics, See Invisibility. Each ability can be used in any form, are cast as if by a 5th level Sorcerer, and are usuable once per day. Mutation: There is a chance that a Rogue Slaad may have a Chaos mutation. No matter what the form, no matter how they change shape, the mutation will be evident. to see if a Rogue has a mutation, roll 1D20 an see the following table: 1-4. Minor mutation(glowing eyes, extra fingers, etc..) 5. Twisted, too-small wings(-1 point of falling damage per die) 6-8. Semi-usefull 3rd arm(STR 2, DEX 2) 9. Snake or tentacle hair, not effective in combat. 10-12. Small horns, not effective in combat. 13. Stench. No effect on combat, but cannot be concealed or dispelled in any manner short of a Wish. 14. Slime. The Slaad exudes a vicid slime. They gain a +1 on all Escape artist rolls. 15-20. No mutation. Automatic Languages: Planar Common and any one other. Favored Classes: A Rogue Slaad may pick any class as his/her Favored Class.
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