Planetouched, Genasi (Positive Energy)

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Personality: How these gensai came about is for greybeards to figure out, since there has been no evidence of humanoid positive energy life. (Mummies are undead, they don't count.) There are however a couple of these bloods out in the planes. They could be what some graybeards say are "positive" energy touched. Others say it's some experiment that Ravids or Xeg-ya performed. The true dark may never be known.Positai are full of energy. Positai are energetic individuals, sometimes to the point of being manic and hyperactive. Positai are, not surprisingly, fascinated with Life itself in all its abundant variety, particularly with regard to the nurturing, growing, or healing of life. Again, most berks expect positai to be fond of wilderness areas to the exclusion of all else, and again, most berks have it wrong.Sure, some positai like exploring the wilderness, but any positai will point out that a city is just as much a nexus of life as is a forest. Indeed, the positai who favor urban areas will tell you that each city, town, or village has its own personality and spirit, which permeates the buildings and inhabitants. As such, positai can be found as rustic farmers, urban healers, and the entire gamut in between.By: Mark RobertsImported from a previous version of
Physical Description: All Positai have vibrant yellow-white skin, and the skin itself is also warm to the touch. Additionally, positai have a faint glow about them. This glow is part of their Aura of Life, and as such cannot be covered up by dark clothing. While this glow only puts out the same light as a candle, it makes it impossible for the Positai to hide in shadows. (It's also a surefire way to draw missile fire in dimly lit combat areas. The life of a Positai ain't always mead and skittles, berk.)Fortunately, the Aura of Life provides some benefits as well. Any living thing (even a Bleaker) within 5 feet of a positai will feel invigorated and more cheerful. (Treat this as an innate Healing proficiency if the Positai is tending to a wounded basher. Otherwise, the Aura confers no specific game bonuses or penalties. Role-playing the invigorating, cheering effect is encouraged, however. At the DM's option, this could be used to counteract the melancholy of a Bleaker.)
Relations: The Positai as a race have no relations. All told there are perhaps a handful of these cutters in existance. Some evil spellslingers would like to "experiment" with them.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Lands: They may be found anywhere, the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, The Prime or the Outlands.
Religion: Positai do revere Powers, since it's likely they may have seen a number of them in the Positive Energy Plane.
Language: Common, Xeg-ya, Ravid.
Names: None
Male Names: None
Female Names: None
Family Names: None
Adventurers: Why do they become adventurers? That's easy berk! If they were born on the Positive Energy Plane, they find quite a bit of loneliness in this vast plane of "life". If all you had as friends are Ravids and xeg-yas, you'd be pretty bored too. They go out to see what life has to offer. Most of them become Sensates (namers mostly), because they love experiencing things: Like eating.(didn't have to eat in the Positive Plane) They also are very friendly to any blood/cutter/berk they run into, since they were lonely. Now if they weren't born on the Positive Material.. (greybeards deal with both theories as they have never found a Positai to rattle his bone-box.) These bloods become adventurers to find their roots. As being positive energy being, are drawn to life, so it's usually a life's quest to find "home".
Racial Traits: Positai have the collowing racial abilities:
  • +2 Con, -2 INT (Life makes them hardy and hyperactive)
  • They are immune to Mummy Rot.
  • Level Drains are more effective. A Positai must succeed TWO Fortitude saves for every level draining attack. Also the attack has a +2 to DC vs. the Positai. On top of that, regular undead that physically hit the Positai may drain a level as well. A Positai must make a FORT save to resist a drain. (DC=10+hit dice of undead)
  • A Positai that isn't a cleric can turn undead as a Cleric of the same level. The Crucible of Life can generate energy to repell undead. When they are clerics or paladins, they turn as 2 levels higher than they are. Also, Positai priests can cast a free healing spell per spell level of cleric. IE a 1st level cleric can cast one cure for free, a 3rd level cleric could cast two cures (1 that is a 1st level cure, and a 2nd level cure).
  • Positai get +2 to the Heal proficency.
  • These cutters heal naturally twice as fast as others.
  • Favored class: Cleric
  • Note: While they can be healed by the Positive Energy Plane, they are immune to the ill effects of the Plane, and can breathe there. (That doesn't mean they don't breathe, it means they can convert Life energy into breathing.)
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