Planetouched, Genasi (Negative Energy)

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Personality: Theorized to be an inextinguishable spark of life surrounded by negative energy to cloak its cataclysmic existence in the very plane that makes it impossible. These Genasi are not rumored nor joked about since none claim they exist.Mute of emotion, they are passionate in whatever they may endeavor. Borderline Manic/Depressive considering their plane of existence is devoid of warm life, negative Genasi (Negs) intrigued with life. Negatai focus more on the feel of life in massing areas, such as cities or heavily populated forests rather than the whole of the forest or city itself. They focus on the abundance of life the more overpopulated the better.By: Todd FinchImported from a previous version of
Physical Description: Dark Gray skin color, some even with a greenish hue. A faint darkness shroud is always about a Negatai (2-5 ft diamiter). With this is the ability to keep from being seen in the dark is obvious but also one would see a Negatai as blight at high noon. Any living thing within 5 feet of the Negatai feels a slight depression and melancholy. Any wounded in this area will recover no hit points from natural healing in the presence.
Relations: Non-aggressive and treat any living thing with intrigue.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Lands: Can exist just about anywhere.
Religion: In awe of the Powers but most adventuring Negatai find evil Powers bent on anti-life, destruction or undead animal-like and to be avoided at all costs.
Language: None
Names: None
Male Names: None
Female Names: None
Family Names: None
Adventurers: Very adventurous love to seek out centers of life of any kind.
Racial Traits: Negatai have the following racial abilities: · -2 Con, +2 Int and +2 Str, -2 Chr · Heal spells harm a Negatai, Harm spells heal them. · Level drain is ineffective, they are IMMUNE. · Can control undead as to not be attacked by them if any other class but paladin or cleric. If a cleric or paladin thay can control undead as 2 levels higher than normal. · Can’t take the heal skill. · Heal half as fast as Normal. Can use their aura to take disease or poison upon themselves to gain 1 hp/level of the PC. · Favored class(s): cleric or rogue
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