Home » Planetouched, Genasi (Lightning)
Planetouched, Genasi (Lightning)
Personality: Next to the Positive Energy Plane, the Plane of Lightning is the most visited by the Powers. It is, however the most populated plane that gets visited by these Powers. As such, most Lightning Gensai have had at least a brush with divinity. These are quite typically Powers of Storms, Lightning, or Thunder who want to come and revel in the Plane's raw might.Vassals of the Storm (as they call themselves) are fascinated by powers. Their experience with the divine works like an epiphany for most of the sods, and almost all lightning genasi are convinced that the true dark of the Multiverse lies in worshiping the right Power (which is why you'll almost never see 'em in the Athar, and only rarely in the Godsmen). When the lightning genasi leave the Plane and find themselves in the greater Multiverse, most of 'em discover that there's more to divinity than just storm-based dieties. This usually results in a lot of soul-searching and temple-visiting and asking lots of pointed questions to the priests of various deities.Planewalking lightning genasi take this a bit further and wander the realms of the powers themselves, going from realm to realm and asking their pointed questions directly of the proxies of these powers. As such (and depending on how respectful the lightning genasi is), the life of a planewalking vassal of the storm can be either very rewarding, or very short. Vassals of the Storm are very inquisitive. They also carry alot of chant, and are typically wise about using it. Their personalities vary alot, some are travelling planewalkers doing good for their power. Others are mean, often proxies to evil gods and go around and throw their weight around. By: Mark RobertsImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com |
Physical Description: All lightning genasi will possess one or more of the following physical attributes: |
Relations: Vassals of the Storm get along well with many of the races in the Plane of Lightning. This is mostly out of the fact that they were raised on the plane and taken as one of their own by any of the native inhibitants. Outside of the ?Inner Planes, they get along with all sorts. Course they tend to get along better with fiends, only because the fiends know that they are often proxies of weather gods. So they are at least civil until they know the dark of the vassal. |
Alignment: Lawful Good |
Lands: They may have a kip in the Plane of Lightning, but most like to travel the Outer Planes. |
Religion: Most lightning gensai worship powers whos dominion is over storms, lightning, or thunder. Sometimes a Vassal of the Storm is impressed by the actions of other powers when adventuring. |
Language: Common, Can communicate with any other race on the Plane of Lightning. |
Names: None |
Male Names: None |
Female Names: None |
Family Names: None |
Adventurers: Practically all Vassals of the Storm are adventurers. If they haven't decided on a power to worship, they travel throughout the Outer Planes, rarely returning home. |
Racial Traits: Ability Scores: Vassals of the Storm gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity and Wisdom, but suffer a -2 penalty to Strength and Constitution.Immunities (Ex): They are completely immune to non-magical lightning (or other non-magical electrical effects). Lightning Genasi are also immune to any deafening, stunning, or other effects that result from loud, booming noises (magical or otherwise). Note that this only applies to loud, booming noises similar to thunder (such as from Drums of Panic); Lightning Genasi suffer the full effects of the wail of a Howler, the wail of a Banshee, the winds of Pandemonium, etc.Saving Throw Bonus (Ex): Lightning Genasi also gain a +1 bonus every 5 levels to their saving throws vs. air- or electrical-based magic attacks.Spell-like Ability (Su): Lightning Genasi have a Shocking Grasp ability. The effects are identical to the 1st-level Wizard spell of the same name. Lightning Genasi can use this ability once per day, as though they were a 5th-level Wizard. Favored Class: Cleric |