Planetouched, Genasi (Fire)

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Personality: Fire genasi are as described in *Monsters of Faerun*; however, their racial abilities have been changed to the ones below.As *Monsters of Faerun.*By: Michael FranzImported from a previous version of
Physical Description: As *Monsters of Faerun.*
Relations: As *Monsters of Faerun.*
Alignment: Lawful Good
Lands: As *Monsters of Faerun.*
Religion: As *Monsters of Faerun.*
Language: As *Monsters of Faerun.*
Names: As *Monsters of Faerun.*
Male Names: As *Monsters of Faerun.*
Female Names: As *Monsters of Faerun.*
Family Names: As *Monsters of Faerun.*
Adventurers: As *Monsters of Faerun.*
Racial Traits: Ability Scores: +2 Int, -2 Cha. Outsider Type: Darkvision 60'. Genasi are mortal outsiders, so they can be raised or resurrected. Fire Resistance 15. Avoid Fiery Effects (Ex): Immune to the natural environments of fire-dominant planes (as *avoid planar effects*). Control Flames (Sp): Can use the psionic power *control flames* once per day as a 5th level manifester. This is magical, not psionic.
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