Gnome (Inventor)

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Personality: These Gnomes are identical to their normal cousins.Inventor gnomes are a lot more serious than their joker cousins. They are more focused on the task in hand and tend to view other Gnomes as far too aloof. Inventor Gnomes are fantastic at making gadgets and mechanisms.By: Sean TaylorImported from a previous version of
Physical Description: These Gnomes are identical to their normal cousins.
Relations: Common Gnomes
Alignment: Lawful Good
Lands: Inventor Gnomes prefer the structure of a city to the wooded lands of their more common cousins but they will live in such lands if there are no cities nearby
Religion: Normally Garl Glittergold but the more constructive of Gnomes choose to worship Flandal Steelskin, Gnome god of the Forge
Language: Common and Gnome. Each clan of Inventor Gnomes also has a variant language that takes the form of a kind of 'cant'. Other common Gnomes find this cant gives them a headache as it is very technical and structured.
Names: Inventor Gnomes view names as designations that allow for an individual to be quickly and efficiently identified. They do not hold the same values for names as common Gnomes do and Inventors living among common Gnomes often get nicknamed by their brethren with names like 'Stuffy', 'Stickinthemud' or other such boring names.
Male Names: As per common Gnomes
Female Names: As per common Gnomes
Family Names: As per Common Gnomes
Adventurers: Inventor Gnomes are often the most serious member of the group, offering to 'Keep up the rear' of an attack and watch the outcome. They have strong morals and being lawful they try to uphold them even if it means breaking their serious demeanour, for example they will stand up for friends no matter what the consequences (Hence their lowered wisdom)
Racial Traits: All of the Gnomish traits except as mentioned here. +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom(Instead of +2 Con -2 Str ): Inventor Gnomes are very intelligent and loved to make gadgets and mechanisms, but their minds work very quickly and they often overlook certain elements in designs in the pursuit of efficiency and speed. +2 Racial bonus to all checks to identify engineering of an unknown form as well as to all checks to make or repair items of such type(instead of +2 Bonus to Alchemy checks)Inventors are not AS good with Alchemy, they are more Engineering based. Automatic Languages: Common, Gnome, and Cant Bonus Languages: Any. Inventor Gnomes study so much that they can concieveably learn any language they want. They especially like to learn complex languages. Favoured Class: Wizard, the higher intelligence and the fact that Wizards are geared towards law makes this an ideal choice for inventors. This replaces the Illusionist as the favoured class.
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