Home » Githyanki(outcast)

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2004-01-01 02:00
Personality: Though the Githyanki are known for the unity and cooperation in their own societies,there are those few that do not fit.They are outcasts,either by force or choice.It is the latter case that is common(if such a thing could ever be common that is),since the former are usually killed before they even manage to leave the Astral plane.Despite the xenophobic and militaristic image the Githyanki have,they are actually idealists,and do believe in equality,for the *people* that is(and in their case,the only ones considered people are themselves) Githyanki outcasts are actually much closer to the image outsiders have of their race.They do not only despise non-gith,but also their own race,since it prohibits them from obtaining power.Most Githyanki are unaware of the fact that their queen literally devours those few who are far too ambitious for her liking.Still,it does not take too much thought to realise that their is no possibility for promotions,after all,they have had an uncontested ruler for a very long time. The rogues,as their societies call them(and it is a great insult to call a githyanki a rogue)are power hungry, driven by their ambition to solitary,often perilous existances.Some of them cling to codes of personal honour,usually relevant to combat,but apart from that,they tend to be unpredictable.By: Costas PapandreadisImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com |
Physical Description: Githyanki outcasts are very much like their accepted counterparts,tall,with yellow skin and elongated facial characteristics and two wound-holes instead of a nasal cavity There is one difference however.Their eyes,which formerly had no pupils,obtain red ones,which become more evident as time goes by since their defection. |
Relations: Githyanki outcasts have very much the same relations as the common githyanki do.They despise all other races,even more so in the case of the mind flayers(whom they call illithid)and their Githzerai cousins.Like the common Githyanki,they attack members of those two races on sightUnlike them however,they will not attack,if they consider such an action suicidal,since they no longer wish to defend the honour of their race to the death. |
Alignment: Lawful Good |
Lands: Githyanki oucasts have no lands to their name,though they are often found in Sigil(since their pursuers would be less inclined to cause a...mess there due to the local authorities) |
Religion: Githyanki outcasts believe in no deities,they have not abandoned their faith(if it can be called such)of the lich queen to have some other being leash them |
Language: Common(planespeak),Gith |
Names: Githyanki outcasts have strange,alien names,which are usualy unpronouncable in any language other than their own |
Male Names: Yi`Laeth,Yi`Min,Zo`Khan,Khazar |
Female Names: Djheken`Lar,Kae`Das,Vi`der, |
Family Names: Githyanki oucasts have no family names.If they did before defecting,they have probably ceased using them |
Adventurers: None |
Racial Traits: +2 CON:Millenia of military training and harsh life in the Astral plane have made the Githyanki hardy in general +2 INT:An effect of the Illithid experiments has been increased intellect(you wouldn`t want to point that fact out to them though!)-2 DEX(when outside the Astral plane,that is,always!):After spending decades in the Astral,Githyanki outcasts find it a bit difficult to adopt to the gravity of other planes-2 CHA:Though they may have abandoned their race,their attitude towards strangers remains very much the same Skills:-2 to all diplomacy checks when dealing with people who know of the Githyanki,their reputation doesn`t help them any+2 to all knowledge(planes) checks,Githyanki oucasts are forced to know the ways of the other races if they are to surviveFeats:Githyanki outcasts have a bonus weapon proficiency,either of a great sword,or longsword.If they are already proficient,they get a weapon focus feat insteadPsionics:Githyanki oucasts have PR 10+1 per character level,but they no longer have the ability to planeshift or use psionics at will,which is a sidefect of their abandoning their society`s power baseFavoured class:Fighter or psychic warrior(chosen at character creation)Most githyanki outcasts are Fighter/mages or psychic warriors Githyanki outcasts can never be rogues,bards,barbarians,rangers and druids.They reject the core teachings and applications of these classes.Though they can be clerics,they cannot worship a specific mythos,and receive spells as if they had a wisdom score lower by two.By their nature,they do not believe in higher powers and such. Level adjustment:None(if handled properly by the DM,the player will suffer enough!)Author`s note:This race is for use by those paranoid players(cough) that can play solo sessions with the DM.It`s unlikely that they`ll fit in a group,and even if they do,it won`t be realistic |