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Personality: The Felona are a race of lazy, Hedonistic cat like humanoids that live in the chaotic aligned upper plains and limbo. Generous and gentle, it is hard too believe that these creatures once held a place among the demons of the abyss. An age ago, in the abyss was a particular layer. This layer consisted of a lush, peaceful jungle. Many folks wouldn’t even believe that they were on the abyss until they met the denizens: grossly fat monsters that devoured anything in their path. These creatures were the ancestors of the Felona, demons of sloth and gluttony. The creatures live a relatively peaceful life. They hardly ever received visitors, and were not much involved in the blood war. Eventually this changed. The Chasme recruiters discovered the layer and the gluttonous demons that lived there. They attempted too force the creatures too fight, but their inherent laziness and large fat bodies made them poor fighters. Some of them used powerful magic, but they were few and far between. The Abyssal lords attempted to fix this by giving the demons thin and athletic bodies. But it didn’t work. The demons were still lazy in the extremes and their gluttony soon turned their new, slim bodies back too fat anyway. Frustrated, the Lords decided too leave them on the Abyss, too act as a trap for travelers in the abyss. But there was a small problem… Unlike most demons, the gluttonous demons did not desire mayhem and bloodshed. Any travelers too this particular layer were not viciously attacked, but rather welcomed with open arms and invited too join their eternal feasting. When the abyssal lords came too check up on the Demons progress on their new assignment, they found not the half-eaten remains of unlucky visitors. But those unlucky visitors partying and having fun with the demons, some of them had grown nearly as large as the demons! Needless too say, the Abyssal lords were livid. They immediately gave the demons an ultimatum: Either wipe out all of the interlopers, or be destroyed themselves. Despite their evil nature, the Demon’s had grown too enjoy the company of the mortals that now shared their homes, and did not wish them too be harmed. So they came up with a plan: Late one night, they opened a portal too Limbo, that was situated right next too a portal too Ysgard. That way the mortals could escape under cover of night and be freed. The plan almost worked, had it not been for a death slaadi who was on good terms with the abyssal lords. This was the final straw. The combined armies of the abyssal lords gathered and descended onto the layer, laying it too waste. Many of the Demons, who were too fat too move under their own power, were slaughtered. The younger members of their race fled in terror into limbo. They remained there for a time, wandering the chaos, making small pockets too dwell in, but they didn’t remain for long. The mortals that lived with the Demons upon their realm pleaded the case of their former friends too the powers of Ysgard, Arborea, The beast lands and Elysium. Claiming that they were not truly evil like the other demons, and could be converted too celestials. After much deliberation, the powers agreed too permit the demons refuge in the upper planes. Meanwhile, in Limbo, the Demons had made themselves a realm in the midst of the chaos almost identical too their abyssal home, And they had returned too business as usual: lounging around and eating. When the Eladrin of Arborea approached them, The majority of the demons, overwhelmed by what was the very first act of kindness and generosity towards them, happily agreed too the transaction. But a few decided too stay in Limbo and act as a early warning, in case their former masters the demons decided too invade through the chaos of limbo. And too garner revenge against the Slaadi for betraying them. And that is the story of how the Felona came too exist. Today they can be found on all of the chaotically aligned upper planes, particularly Arborea, and can also be seen on Limbo as well. The Felona are a gentle, good-natured folk, Generous in the extreme, they will always offer too help strangers they come across. In regards too Demons and other denizens of the lower planes, the Felona hold a simple philosophy: “Never trouble trouble unless trouble troubles you.” Bluntly, this means that unless the demons invade upper planes, the Felona are content too let them lord over their miserable domains and brood over their petty machinations. Too them, the fiend’s existence of miserable plotting, bigotry, and general meanness is punishment enough for them. A hold over from their demonic past, The Felona are extremely lazy and gluttonous. They prefer too spend their days lounging about, eating food and enjoying life. In the inexhaustible splendor of Arborea, they can usually do this without damaging the surrounding ecosystem. They are also extremely hedonistic, taking pleasure in the company of others and just about everything else in the plane. By: Crinos GalavarImported from a previous version of Planewalker.com
Physical Description: Felona are lean, well-muscled humanoids with Feline features. They possess paws in the place of hands and feet, and they have pronounced cat like muzzles and whiskers. Their eyes are a myriad of colors, and look fully human. The Felona’s bodies are covered head too toe with colorful fur. The color and patterns of the fur come in every shade, hue, and pattern imaginable. Along with fur, the Felona possess hair like a human does, usually long and the same color as their fur. Felona also have retractable claws in their paws. Being beings of chaos, Felona also possess some other odd mutation on their body. For a specific mutation, roll below: 1D12 1:no mutation 2:wings, 50% birdlike, 50% bat like: Felona can fly at his running speed, with a flight class of poor. 3: reptilian tail: can be used as a weapon (1d8+str modifier) 4: extra pair or arms: can use them too make an extra action per turn. 5: Snake tail instead of legs: speed is halved, but Felona gains the improved grab feat. 6: Single eye: +2 too spot checks. 7:gills on the neck: Felona can breath in the water. 8:long reptilian tongue: no special effect. 9: suction cup pads on paws: +3 too climb checks 10: roll for two mutations 11: roll for three mutations 12: DM can choose one mutation or make up his own: Mutations as a general rule are beneficiary. Another hold over from there demonic past, The natural gluttony and laziness of the Felona cause them too grow fat as they grow older. The weight gain is usually slow and going as long as they live. Its not uncommon for elder Felona too grow so fat they cannot even move or speak. Surprisingly, the Felona seem too enjoy growing into obesity. They are creatures of pleasure and seem too like the feel of the fat on their bodies.
Relations: The Felona are on good terms with all the creatures of the upper planes. They are particularly close with the Eladrin, the Guardinals, and the Lillend. They respect the Archons, Aasimon, and Asura’s, but generally look upon them as old sticks in the mud. When the Felona first fled the abyss into Limbo. They held a grudge against the Slaadi, who were responsible for the abyssal lords finding out about the Felona’s betrayal. Now that they look back, they realize that if the slaadi had not betrayed them, they might still be down in the abyss, suffering the misery inflicted by the demons. The Felona now act in gratitude towards the Slaadi, treating them like poor relation. Slaadi are welcome in Felona as long as they behave. Sadly the Slaadi have a way of wearing out their welcome, after which the Felona drop them subtle (and not so subtle) hints too hit the road. The Felona are enemies of those who would spread evil, or force others too act against their will: Devils, Modrons, and demons all constitute enemies of the Felona. Though they never instigate combat against these evil ones, but will gladly take up battle against them if they encroach on land under Felona protection.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Lands: The main head quarters of the Felona is an area of Arborea known as the hills of bounty. A series of small well rounded hills with frequent breaks of flat land between them. These hills are actually ancient Felona. When a Felona grows so heavy that there mobility is hampered. (Felona do not age naturally once reaching maturity, so their age is measured by their weight.), they return too Arborea where they retire too a life of endless eating and pampering by the younger Felona. As they grow larger and more sedimentary, they also become more lethargic and sluggish. Eventually drifting into a deep and endless sleep. After this happens, there immensely fat bodies begin too transform as the ancient Felona’s spirit begins too merge with the plane. Eventually they transform into one of the hills that dot this landscape. Creatures that fall asleep on these hills often have pleasant dreams about eating huge meals, and always wake up feeling stuffed and content, and maybe with their clothes being a bit tighter (Anyone experiencing said dream must make a will save DC 18 or gain 2d4 pounds upon awakening.). The Felona also hold small bands all over the chaotic good planes. Felona are often found in the company of Bacchea, Eladrin, or Lillend. Felona’s on Limbo dwell in what is called New Gluttonia. A huge lush jungle paradise where all of the most fattening and delicious foods grow in abundance on the trees. This place is actually a carbon copy of Gluttonia, the abyssal layer that the Felonia’s originally hailed. This is one of the safest places in all of Limbo for visitors. The Felona’s door is always open here. And aside from the occasional rowdy slaadi, the only threat here is growing fat from all the delicious treats offered up by the Felona’s. (Every week spent here will result in PC’s gaining 1d10 pounds. PC’s loose 1 point strength and dexterity for every 100 pounds gained.) Though becoming too fat too move is a threat here, there is nothing keeping Visitors here and they may leave at will, with the Felona’s blessing. The original Gluttonia is no more. It was originally found on the 83rd layer of the Abyss. All that is their now is a huge oozing chasm filled with mud and rotting vegetable matter. Swarms of Chasme flit around the layer, looking for any sign of plant life they can bitterly rip up and destroy. What was once the only bastion of safety in the abyss is now as inhospitable as any other place in that accursed realm.
Religion: The Felona originally venerated an abyssal lord Named Vargoul the immense. His bloated form slept underneath Gluttonia and often manifested himself in the form of a crop of especially tasty and fattening plants. This dark god was destroyed along with Gluttonia when the abyssal lords launched upon Gluttonia. Now the Felona worship various Gods of Bounty and generosity on the Good planes. The Felona of Limbo Worship no powers, but have held the Slaadi lord’s Ygorl and Ssendam in reverence ever since they made peace with the Slaadi.
Language: The Felona speak their own language, as well as celestial, abyssal, and planar common. The Limbo Felona also occasionally speak the language of the Slaadi.
Names: Felona often pick names for themselves upon reaching maturity. These names usually emulate those used by humans. The Felona usually add a surname describing their own weight after their names. A thin and active Felona may have the tag on “The thin,” or “The lanky”. While an Elder immobilized by their own weight may be known as “The gargantuan,” or “The obese.” Children Felona generally don’t have any set name, usually going by the name “Cub,” or “Squirt” till they reach maturity (about 20 years old in most cases.)
Male Names: Common male names include Korin, Michael, Dhamon, Lucius, and Nikolas.
Female Names: Common Female names include Felicity, Meganne, Gabriel, and Tarah.
Family Names: Felona’s don’t believe in the concepts of “Family,” or “Marriage.” Too them, each Felona is considered too be a relative too another. Therefore they have no family names.
Adventurers: Felona have a natural curiosity streak in them in spite of their laziness. They often travel the planes in search of adventure, love, or good food. Some curious Felona travel too the lower planes too get a taste of their demonic heritage. Some wish too explore new realms too learn how other creatures live. As a rule, Felona adventurers tend too go at their own pace and hate too be rushed. As a result, they usually travel with other Chaotic and good creatures, which understand the Felona’s need for space and respect it.
Racial Traits: *+2 too strength, Dexterity, and charisma, -2 too intelligence, wisdom, and constitution. The Felona are naturally strong and fast, and have strong personalities. But generally lack common sense or intelligence. And their hedonistic lifestyles seem too affect their health slightly. *Felona are medium sized creatures, they receive no special modifiers based on size. *Felona base speed is 40 ft. *Outsider: Felona have 60ft dark vision. They can only be resurrected on Arborea. Felona that have Transformed into hills cannot be resurrected but can be roused from slumber for 1d6 minutes by a raise dead spell (or something equivalent.) Just long enough to answer a question telepathically, then go back too sleep. *+2 too spot and listen check, +3 too tracking checks, Due too keen senses. *Acid, cold, fire, and electricity resistance 5. *Natural weaponry: All Felona possess retractable claws, these claws cause 1d6 points of damage +strength modifier, striking with a normal attack modifier for their level. These claws also give a +5 too climb checks. *Automatic languages: Felona, planespeak. Bonus languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Slaadi, Guardinal, Eladrin, and Archon. *Special aging: After reaching their normal maturity Felona stop aging normally, instead they begin too slowly grow fat. Each year they gain 2d20 pounds of pure fat. For every 100 pounds they lose one point of strength and dexterity. They can lose this weight by exercising or by using wishes or similar magic, in which case they lose the point loss as well. But as a rule, Felona are loathe too such activities, preferring to grow fat and let nature take its course. *The preferred class for Felona is sorcerer. They have natural magical talent and generally make powerful, if not sluggish, spell casters. Limbo Felona, who tend too be slightly more militaristic, usually become Rangers, taking Demons as their preferred enemy.
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