
Anonymous's picture
Gargantuan Outsider (Air)
Hit Dice: 12d8+84
Initiative: +4
Speed: Fly 100ft avg
Armor Class: 16
Base Attack/Grapple: 0
Attack: 0
Full Attack: bite +17 melee, tail slap +12 melee
Space/Reach: 20ft by 40ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Breath Weapons(gust of wind and lightning bolt)
Special Qualities: fly (as spell but constant and has movement of 100ft and average manuverability)
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +10
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 16, Con 24, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Listen + 11, Spot + 12.
Feats: Flyby Attack
Environment: Any air,(elemental plane of air)
Organization: Solitary or pod(2-12)
Challenge Rating: 13
Treasure: none
Alignment: Neutral Good
Advancement: 13-18 hd (gargantuan) 19-36 hd (colossal)
Level Adjustment: 0
Airwhales are shaped like their more common cousins but their hides range from mother of pearl to shimmering sky blue. In some rare airwhales they are colored as the morning sky pink, blue, orange, purple, and grey layered on the same animal. CombatAirwhales dislike combat preferring to escape. They only fight as a last resort or when their young are threatened.Breath weapons: An airwhale has two breath weapons, the first produces an effect identical to the spell gust of wind as cast by an 8th level sorcerer. The second creates a bolt of lightning that deal 10d6 electricity damage, reflex save dc 15 for half damage. An airwhale may use both breath weapons every 2d4 rounds. Habitat/Societyairwhales spend most of thier time lazily drifting on warm air currents,and feeding on flocks of birds or other nonintellegent flying creatures.they mate every 5 years and the off sping reaches maturity in 10 years so often a pod contains a mother,a father,and 2-3 young.
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